Saturday, October 8, 2011

K-Link K-Eslima

K-Eslima is effective in:

1) Shedding those extra pounds
2) Increasing the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
3) Maintenance of the weight loss

K-link has launched this super Ayurvedic formulation which includes herbs like:

Commiphora Mukul Extract which removes deposited fat and restricts fat accumulation 

Garcinia Cambogia Extract which assists in weight loss by blocking the conversion of sugars and starches into fats, thus restraining fat production and suppresses appetite by raising levels of certain brain chemicals such a serotonin, a key stimulator of appetite.

Trikatu which contains Long pepper, black pepper and ginger which assists weight loss by maximizing metabolism and being a natural appetite suppressant and also helps in indigestion. 


1. It suppress the appetite: reduce the intake of fats and

2. It leads to optimal utilization of nutrients
3. It helps avoid fat accumulation in the body
4. Prevents water retention in the body.

K-Eslima should be taken with a reduced (light) Calorie + K-Lax on daily basis.

Why K-Lax with K-Eslima?

When the colon is lined with mucus and solid waste, your whole digestive and waste removal slows down. After cleansing your colon, you will experience an increase in both endurance as well as energy. This helps you in achieving the exercise and workout related goals of your fitness program, helping K-ESLIMA to make you lose weight faster.

K-Eslima Dosage: 2 capsules three times a day

1st dose: 2 capsules 15 minutes before breakfast with 500 ml of room temperature water

2nd dose: 2 capsules 15 minutes before lunch with 500 ml of room temperature water
3rd dose: 2 capsules 15 minutes before dinner with 500 ml of room temperature water

To add to its efficacy, take Eslima along with K-Lax
Do not feel frustrated and give up halfway, Keep at it.
Help K-Eslima to help you. You will start seeing results in 2-3 weeks.
Allow atleast 3 months for full benefits.

K-Link K-Lite

Ayu-Lite is a liver tonic that tones and helps strengthen the function of the liver for better absorption and body detoxification.

The liver is the gateway or filter between all the cells inside the body and all manner of toxins inside and outside the body. Alcohol, tobacco, pesticides, pollution and stress can overload the liver and block absorption causing liver disorder.

To enhance the function of the liver, herbs play a significant role. This is one area of therapy where natural herbs could be of vital assistance.

The benefits of Ayu-Lite:

  1. Enhances the function of the liver
  2. Cleanse and detoxify the body
  3. Strengthens liver function for better absorption
  4. Stimulates appetite


2 capsules three times a day

K-Link K-Lax

Ayu-Lax is an herbal combination that acts to flush the bowel, relieving the person of constipation. It flushes and cleanses the stomach of unwanted elements besides relieving from flatulence and colic.

The Ayurvedic system plays an important role in relieving the bowel on a daily basis. Constipation occurs due to infrequent or hard stools, or difficulty in passing stools.

The benefits of Ayu-Lax:

  1. Relieves constipation
  2. Allows smooth passage of stool
  3. Relieves flatulence and colic
  4. Helps digestive system
  5. Keeps gas formation in check


* laxative

* incentive digestion
* Improving motion peristaltis intestine
* Constipation

DOSE: 2 capsules three times a day


Expand consumption, vegetables, fruits, grains, cereals and water.

The combination of the recommended products:

Ayulax + Ayulite

K-Link K-Rhoids

Ayu-Rhoids is an herbal combination that helps to provide prompt relief in piles-hemorrhoids. It also helps to relieve bleeding, assists digestion and helps to reduce constipation.

Piles are condition in which a fleshy swelling of variable size, shape and color appears (due to varicosity of veins) in the anus. Piles are divided into two groups, piles which do not bleed and piles in which the person suddenly passes streaks of bright red blood with or without stool. Obstruction to the passing of gases, discomfort and burning sensation particularly on defecation, diminished appetite and constipation are the general signs of piles.

Hemorrhoids often cause itching, or cause pain in the rectum. Bleeding also may occur. Symptoms generally occur after a bowel movement, usually due to hard stools.


* Chronic Constipation

* Increased pressure on the rectal veins
* Reduced liver function
* Lack of exercise
* Eating excessive hot and spicy foods
* Food Allergies
* Stress


* Bleeding on anal

* Pain in the anal area
* Itching and swelling in the anal area
* Anus feels sore during defecation
* Loss of appetite

The benefits of Ayu-Rhoids:
  1. Provides prompt relief in hemorrhoids
  2. Helps to relieve bleeding
  3. Helps to relieve itching, burning and local discomfort
  4. Helps shrinkage of swollen tissue
  5. Provides cooling effect
  6. Assists digestion
  7. Helps to reduce gaseous emission
  8. Helps to reduce constipation
The Benefits of Ayu-Rhoids:

* Alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids and constipation

* Stopping bleeding
* Alleviated itching and pain in the hemorrhoids
* Helps reduce inflammation of tissue around the anus
* Avoid operating Treat constipation.
* Improve liver function.
* Changing eating patterns.
* Discard the water regularly

The K-Link K-Ayurveda AyuRhoids is a herbal combination that helps relieve hemorrhoids, if administered at the right time. K-Link K-Ayurveda AyuRhoids can prevent the operation on hemorrhoids.


2 capsules three times a day.


Avoid spicy foods and alcohol, Taking plenty of fluids and fiber is recommended.

K-Link K-ROL

For Cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat like substance found in every cell of the body. It helps digest fats, strengthen cell membranes and produces hormones. Although cholesterol serves many important functions in the body, too much cholesterol in the blood can be dangerous. When blood cholesterol reaches high levels, it builds on artery walls increasing risks of blood clots, heart attacks and stroke.

K-Rol works on high cholesterol by:

  • Breaking down the bad cholesterol
  • Improving the blood circulation
  • Acting as a cardiac tonic
  • Rejuvenating and restoring the functioning of the liver.

K-Link K-Vigo

Ayu-Vigo is a proven herbal tonic for male that help rejuvenates the system, enhances immunity and improves vitality.

Ayu-Vigo is an herbal tonic that is safe and effective for men that help improves general metabolic activity, ensures normal sleep, relieves age-related symptoms and promotes vitality.

The benefits of AyuVigo:

  1. Promotes strength and vigor.
  2. Helps in general weakness.
  3. Helps in debility, ageing and stress induced disorders.
  4. Improves resistance against infection.
  5. Increase energy and stamina.
  6. Improving the quality of sperm.
  7. Helps prevent aging.
  8. Helps increase body's resistance to disease.
  9. Reduce stress.


2 capsules three times a day.

K-Link K -Ayurveda AyuVigo (Forte) is traditionally used for:

* Tonic for men
* Loss of passion
* Fatigue
* Premature ejaculation
* Impairment of sexual power
* Spermatorrhoea

Combination Products is Recommended:

Ayu-vigo (Forte) + Ayu-lite

K-Link K-Derme

Ayu-Derme is an herbal combination that provides nourishment to the body by promoting healthy skin and treats a variety of skin problems, improves digestion, strengthens the liver and eliminate wastes and toxins from the colon and kidney.

Due to various causes, the blood becomes overloaded with toxins. The accumulation of toxins in the bloodstream makes it difficult for the sweat glands to function properly. This will result in common inflammatory skin conditions characterized by frequent episodes of redness, itching including thick, dry, silvery scales on the skin and superficial skin eruptions that are caused by blocked skin pores.

The benefits of AyuDerme:
  1. Alleviate skin allergies
  2. Cleanse and detoxify the body
  3. Provide astringent, antiseptic and anti- inflammatory properties
  4. Relieve itches and boils

AyuDerme traditionally used to:

* Psoriasis

* Eczema
* Acne
* pruritis
* rash
* itch itch
* ringworm
* Injury to the skin or other skin allergy condition
* purify blood and detoxify the body Clean
* nutritious adstrigen, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
* Strengthen liver function


2 capsules three times a day


Avoid seafood, sour and spicy. Alcohol and cigarettes .. Sufficient amount of water consumption are strongly recommended.

The combination of products recommended:

Ayuderme + Ayulite + Ayucid

K-Link K-Bes

Ayu-Bes helps to reduce blood sugar levels, bringing about a balance in the body’s metabolism and restoring healthy blood sugar levels and assist digestion and strengthens the function of liver and pancreas.
High blood pressure is caused by decreased production of insulin, or by the lack of ability to use insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to enable cells to able to utilize sugar in the blood. When we have high blood sugar, we pass sweet urine and our sugar levels in the blood rise considerably above the normal limits. It is acquired due to excess consumption of sweets, high calorie diet and sedentary lifestyle.
The benefits of Ayu-Bes:

  1. Helps reduce blood sugar levels
  2. Corrects the digestive system
  3. Helps increase stamina and improves vitality
Ayu-Bes traditionally used to:

* Diabetes
* Hyperglycemia
* Lowering blood sugar levels
* Activate the function of liver and pancreas
* Improving digestive system
* Caring for the wound because diabetes

2 capsules three times a day

Avoid high-calorie foods and alcohol. Mild exercise like jogging is a necessity. AYULITE can help as an adjunctive therapy along with AYUBES.

The combination of the recommended products:

* Ayubes + Ayulite + Ayuvigo (Forte) for men
* Ayubes + Ayulite + Ayuvita (Forte) for women

K-Link K-Asmo

Ayu-Asmo is an herbal combination that provides nutritional support and strengthens the respiratory system, neutralizes the effect of dust, pollens, industrial pollutants and micro-organisms and keep them from harming the body's delicate tissues.

Respiratory tract problems are due to prolonged or persistent condition of respiratory / breathing dysfunction that results in oxygenation of carbon dioxide eliminated at a rate that is insufficient to meet the demands of the body. If severe, it could impair the function of vital organs in our body.

The benefits of Ayu-Asmo:

  1. Helps to relieve mild cough
  2. Eases expectoration
  3. Clears respiratory congestion
  4. Restores normal breathing
  5. Soothes sore throat.
2 capsules three times a day


Avoid food, cold drinks, fried food, fatty food, spicy food, cigarettes and alcohol. Avoid cold and air pollution

Recommended combination of products:

* Ayuasmo + Ayuvigo (Forte) [to man]
* Ayuasmo + Ayuvita (Forte) [for women]

K-Link K-Artis

Ayu-Artis is an herbal combination that is designed to alleviate discomfort and reduce inflammation of the joints. Ayu-Artis expel toxins and allergens that may contribute to inflammation and reduces excess fluid build-up.

According to Ayurvedic principle, the cause is triggered by the body's failure to eliminate and excrete the acidic waste materials of body metabolism. When such deposits become lodged in the skeletal system, particularly in muscle fiber, it could leads to various type rheumatic discomforts.

The benefits of Ayu-Artis:

  1. Relieves joint discomfort
  2. Maintains joint mobility
  3. Reduces stiffness and improves functional capability

Dosage : 2 Capules a Day

K-Link K-Mem

K-Link K-Mem
Memory tonic and stress buster.
Stress, anxiety, mental fatigue and toxins damage our nerve cells. K-MEM capsules are a unique herbal supplement based on the secrets of Ayurveda for stimulating and maintaining healthy brain functions and preventing/repairing the damage.
K-MEM is recommended for the following indications: 
  • Memory Problems
  • Stress
  • Mental fatigue
Benefits of K-MEM: 
  • Increases mental alertness
  • Helps reduce stress levels
  • Enhances Learning and academic performance
  • Calms the mind and promotes relaxation
  • Improves memory and mental clarity
   Decreases anxiety and restlessness.

K-Link K-Rin

Ayu-Rin is an herbal combination that is highly recommended to remove the build-up of toxins in the body due to metabolism of natural chemicals in the urinary tract. It also helps in kidney and prostate problems.

The main function of the urinary tract is to remove water and waste matter and excrete them as urine. Urinary tract disorder occurs when any organs of the urinary tract – kidneys, urinary bladder or urethra becomes infected or injured thereby affecting the biochemistry of the blood stream.

Kidney is an organ that has a lot of blood vessels (vascular vessels) where the function "filter or clean" blood. When the blood supply, then the nutrients can be distributed equally throughout the body and can be launched to the whole body circulation. Therefore, the blood flowing properly into the kidney can maintain a balance to maintain the vitality of the body.

PROSTATE is a small gland that wraps the urethra, discharge function & enzyme needed by the sperm.

Several types of diseases that cause the problems associated with urination are:

* Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
* Prostatitis
* Cystitis
* Prostate cancer
* Urethral stricture
* Bladder disorders


* Often urine, for example, urinating every 30 minutes or less

   especially at night. (Usually less urine volume)
* taste like piss that comes suddenly.
* urine flow is not strong, although pressed strongly.
* It's hard to start urinating.
* Diabetes is not exhaustive (there are urine dripping out even if 

   you've urinated until exhausted ).
* push to remove the urine.
* The feeling that you want to urinate again though just did.



* Stop using tobacco and alcohol
* Consumption of vegetables and fruit which contains: Zink, vitamin
   B6, vitamin A, genistein lycopene,   Omega 3 and Omega 6.
* Exercise regularly
* Drinking water in sufficient quantities, at least 8 glasses a day

The benefits of Ayu-Rin:

  1. Improves dietric activity
  2. Functions as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent
  3. Increases the flow of urine and speeds up excretion process

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

K-Link K-Vita


Ayurveda is acknowledged as the ancient traditional healing system of India, covering all the aspects of lifestyle. Literally translated , it means “science of life” and is one of the oldest recorded health practiced still used throughout the world.

Ayurveda is a complete health system for mind, body and spirit. Rather than treating symptoms, it treats the whole person, working holistically for our general well being. Ayurveda uses the elements; seasons, planets and bodily types of discover the areas of potential weakness. It operates on the assumption of the five elements earth, air, fire, water and ether.

AyuVita is an herbal tonic that is safe and gentle, which is specially formulated for women. It improves general metabolic activity, helps relief in genitourinary disorder, provides resistance against infections, enhances beauty and improves vitality.

The benefits of AyuVita:
Promotes strength and vigor
Helps delay ageing process
Helps in general weakness
Helps in debility, ageing and stress induced disorders
Improves resistance against infections
Helps in genitourinary diseases, hemorrhagic and leucorrhoea

K-Link K-Ayurveda AyuVita (Forte) is traditionally used for:

* tonic for women
* Overcoming fatigue
* Overcoming the bleeding during menstruation
* Leucorrhea
* Relieves stress

K-Link K-Sophie

K-Sophie (Sanitary Napkin)
K-Sophie sanitary towels and panty liners - Freshness and comfort all the time!

K-Sophie sanitary towels and panty liners are made using a special formula, a combination of traditional herbal ingredients with the latest biotechnology. Yes specially selected ingredients help to eliminate women's ailments caused by bacteria: inflammation, itching and unpleasant odor.

9 unique characteristics of the K-Sophie pads and panty liners:

  1. Soft shell with a clean cotton
  2. The unusual absorption
  3. Ultra Thin
  4. A special herbal formula
  5. Antibacterial contribution to Bio-tech
  6. Natural, breathable fabric
  7. Absorbs odor
  8. Non-toxic
  9. High quality materials, providing the absorption and the absence of leakage 

K-Link K - Liquid Mixed Collagen Drink

K - Liquid Mixed Collagen Drink

For Youthful Skin and Young Feeling

K-Liquid Mixed Collagen Drink is a natural beauty drink, with delicious fruity aroma, rich with collagen for smoother and brighter skin. It helps to regain the glow and youthfulness of your skin!

6 Benefits of K-Liquid Mixed Collagen Drink

Moisturizes The Skin
Uv Protection
Nourishes The Skin

1 bottle of K-Liquid Mixed Collagen Drink contains 3000 mg Marine Peptide Collagen with nano size molecules

How does K-Liquid Mixed Collagen Drink work?

Necessary drink for Youthful Skin

Collagen covers 30% of the whole protein content in the body. It is found in the whole body and organs like our bones, cartilage bones, ligaments, blood vessels, skin and other parts. Its main functions are regaining the tautness, moisture and shine of the skin as well as maintaining the structure and shape of our internal organs. Besides that, it is also an essential ingredient for regenerating damaged tissues.

Tests and researches found that collagen in the body deteriorates after the age of 20-25 years old. Therefore, appropriate intake of collagen daily is necessary.

Collagen in K-Liquid Collagen Drink helps:

Rejuvenate maturing skins
Deeply moisturize and tone skin.
Delay the ageing process,
Clearly improve skin immunology, compactness and pigmentation
Smooth mimic wrinkles
Smooth scars, stretch marks and scalded skin
Regenerate hair and nails: gray hair gets darker, brows and eye lashes start growing again, nails get harder and more elastic.
Force the semi-peptides and amino acids into the extra cellular skin sub layer
Elasticize and soften hard skin
Deeply hydrate the skin enhancing its firmness

Also helps in the treatment of :

• Paradontosis
• Allergies
• Juvenile acne and acne rosacea
• Dermatosis, psoriasis and dandruff
• Cellulite
• Disorders of sebaceous and sweat glands
• Alopecia
• Arthritis
• Effective reducing the effects of minor burns , grazes and knocks

Collagen in K-Liquid Collagen helps in….

• Effective reducing bruises and bed sores
• Preventing premature greying of hair
• Reducing Varicose veins
• Soften old scar tissue and prevents formation of unsightly new scar
• Soothing pain associated with bones, joints and rheumatism
• Helping with the process of bone formation

Main Ingredients of K-Liquid Mixed Collagen Drink

1. Marine Collagen Peptide

The collagen is derived from deep sea fish sources with modern technology, its nano size molecules ease absorption and digestion of the body.

It provides moisture and hydration to the skin. It also promotes hormone balance with its hydration reaction and skin tautness.

2. Strawberry Extract

Source of the strawberry extract or also known as 'polyphenol' is from Australia and produced with patented technology from Japan.

Strawberry extract is rich with polyphenol, vitamin and nutritional folic acid. It acts as an anti-oxidant and helps the liver in the detoxification process.

3. Fruits Extract - Apple Extract and Apple Juice

K-Liquid Mixed Collagen Drink is enhanced with apple extract and apple juice which is rich with vitamin C, effective to help brighten the skin for glowing-looking skin as well as helps to improve absorption of collagen in the body.

K-Liquid Collagen Twice a Day (one bottle each)

Direction of Usage:

Shake well before drinking. 1 bottle each time, preferably before breakfast and before bed time.
Taste best when served chilled.

Suggestion: For optimum effect, consume 2 bottles per day.


Pregnant or lactating women, or individuals with medical conditions should consult a physician before taking any food supplement product.

Slight difference in colour and taste by product is caused by use of natural ingredients and does not affect product quality.

Store in cool & dry place

K-Link K-FIT

K-FIT (Organic Fungicide)

K-Fit is an eco-friendly, Non-toxic product, manufactured from Natural sources.

Chemical based Agrochemical Industries around the country are generating toxic waste in the form of chemical insecticides and pesticides for agricultural application. The chemicals present in such commonly used pesticides are quite hazardous. In many cases the residue of these pesticides are retained by the fruits/vegetables and cause severe diseases.

Children are most susceptible to the toxic effects of most synthetic chemicals, which have been the subject of intense government effort to reduce synthetic chemical exposure to children. The toxic substances found in these synthetic agrochemicals have been linked to adverse human health impacts.

The chemical entities found in these products are known or suspected carcinogens, and liver/blood toxicants and have reproduction and developmental hazards. For example, beryllium is a suspected carcinogen, chromium and arsenic are known to cause cancer and barium can cause kidney and lung damage. There are also some chemicals like Malathion, Endosulfan, Glufosinate etc. which cause birth defects and other dreaded diseases.

K-Fit is an organic fungicide having safe, effective and eco friendly contents derived from natural sources. K-Fit is made out of natural ingredients which do not have any adverse effects on the nature or the soil and doesn’t cause any disease. K–Fit keeps the plant healthy, protecting them from fungal diseases.


K-Link K- ZYME

K- ZYME (Organic Growth Supplement)

K- ZYME is an eco-friendly, Non-toxic product, manufactured from Natural sources.

The rampant use of chemical fertilizers not only spoils the soil properties it also interferes with the osmotic pressures, pH, conductivity and the water retention capacity of the soil. This adversely affects the availability of nutrients and population of micro organisms, thus affecting the yield as well as the future of the soil itself.

Health Hazards of chemical fertilizers on the human race are; birth defects, reproduction problems, liver damage, kidney damage, blue baby syndrome, reduced immune response and even cancer.

K-Zyme is an organic growth supplement that supplies required nutrients like proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. K-Zyme application gives a healthy look to the plants, increases the yield, also improving the quality and life of the farmland. They neither spoil the environment nor the soil. K-Zyme is an organic growth supplement made from natural sources of nourishment for plants.

K-Zyme provides high quality marine proteins which help in absorbing water and nutrients from the soil and contains 60 trace minerals required by plants. K-Zyme also provides chelated B vitamins and nutrients from herbs and contains substances that help the plant to grow uniformly and increase in crop output.

K-Link K-Chlorofresh

Choose a Toothpaste that takes care of your Total Health

“If the eyes are the windows to your soul, the mouth is the gateway to your body’s health”.

        “Oral hygiene is an important part of personal hygiene”

Dentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at home.

Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease

Ways to Fight Against Bad Breath

Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal to remove food particle from the mouth.

When you are brushing your teeth, also brush your tongue. The tongue is covered with thousands of tiny hairs that can trap bacteria.
Have regular check-ups with your dentist to rule out gum disease and to correct any faulty restorations, overhanging fillings or leaking crowns, all of which can trap food in the mouth.

Chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless lozenges to increase the flow of saliva.

If your mouth is dry, drink plenty of water. Try swooshing it around in your mouth for at least twenty seconds to loosen any food particles the bacteria can feed upon.

Avoid breath mints and mouthwashes that contain alcohol. Instead of helping, they can make things worse. They only temporarily cover the smell and tend to dry the mouth, creating a more favorable environment for bacteria.

Snacking on vegetables such as raw celery or carrots can keep plaque from forming.

If you are going to an important meeting or on a big date, avoid foods that can cause bad breath, such as onions and garlic.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine consumption, which can dry the mouth.
Quit smoking. Tar and nicotine can build up on the surface of the teeth, tongue and cheeks. It can also dry the mouth and inhibit saliva flow. 
Is Your Toothpaste Safe
Check for its contents

Sodium Fluoride:

In addition to being one of the main ingredients in toothpaste as well as rat and cockroach poisons, sodium fluoride is also a key component in anesthetic, hypnotic, and psychiatric drugs and SARIN NERVE GAS!

This is also said to a carcinogenic substance

FD&C Color Dyes

These dyes are artificial colorings often found in familiar toothpaste brands and a wide variety of other products. Recent studies indicate that FD & C Blue Dyes 1 & 2 can trigger a wide number of behavioral, learning, and health problems. FD&C color dyes may also cause potentially severe allergic reactions, asthma attacks, headaches, nausea, fatigue, nervousness, lack of concentration, and also cancer

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

Perhaps the most dangerous ingredient in personal-care products is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). Because SLS has a foaming property, it is added to toothpastes in order to generate foam and give the impression that the toothpaste is working.

However, SLS has been found to be quite corrosive and harmful to skin tissue. SLS can penetrate and be retained in the eye, brain, heart, and liver with potentially harmful long-term effects


A pesticide found in many types of toothpaste.

Triclosan, a chemical used for its antibacterial properties, is an ingredient found in many detergents and toothpastes.

However, the formulation and structure of this ingredient are similar to some of the most toxic chemicals on earth.

K-Link GAMAT EXTRACT with Taurine

Dear Readers, In this issue I would like to talk about the great benefits of Gamat.

In Malaysia , the residents in the beautiful Langkawi island swear by the ‘air Gamat’ (water extract of Gamat prepared traditionally) as a remedy for cuts, burns, chestpain and anti-flammatory functions. It is commonly used by post-partum mothers or following circumcision and surgical operation. It is also used to treat impotence, constipation, frequent urination, gastric ulcer and fatigue.

Nutritionally, Gamat is an ideal tonic food! It contains a wide range of nutrients including 55% protein (the protein is water soluble, easily digested and absorbed by the body), 10-16% polysaccharides (ingredients for building cartilage), chondrotin sulphate, glucosamine sulphate, collagen, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium and others. It is also cholesterol free!

Gamat Extract from K-LINK is the premium tonic drink made from the best quality Golden Sea Cucumber (Stichopus Variegatue). The golden sea cucumber is an elite sea cucumber (among the 1000 or more species found) that has the top nutritional and therapeutic properties.

The benefits of liquid Gamat:
To build and enhance immune functions.

Liquid Gamat contains cell growth factor or Gamapeptide (Gamalin) and mucopolysaccharides which will greatly boost the immune system that will in turn, cause the shrinkage or blockage of the blood vessels supplying blood to cancer cells hence suppress cancer cell replication. Liquid Gamat is also highly recommended to those undergoing chemotheraphy and radiotheraphy.

Good for respiratory problem : cough, asthma and breathlessness.
Reduce rheumatic or arthritic pain. The active ingredients in Gamat such as Gamapeptide, mucopolysaccharides, glucosamine sulphate, chondrotin sulphate and others are also high beneficial for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and also ankylosing spondylitis.
Promote fast wound healing for burns, cuts, following circumcision, surgical operations and post-partum.

Anti-inflammatory properties : reduce pain, swelling and redness.
Promote vasodilation (expand blood vessels) and restoration of elasticity to blood vessels, beneficial to cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and heart diseases.

Improve liver functions : fatty liver, liver cirrhosis and others.
Haemorrhoids and piles.

Itchiness, allergies and skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and others.

Anaemia, loss of appetite, fatigue, indigestion, gastritis, gastric ulcer, peptic ulcer, duodenum ulcer and mouth ulcer.

Infertility, impotence and low libido for both sexes.

In addition to the above benefits, Gamat can also be used in combination with :

K-OsteoCal : helps to treat osteoarthritis and frozen shoulders.

K-Ayurveda AyuDerme and K-Sauda VCO : helps to treat skin diseases and sped up would healing.

K-Ayurveda AyuAsmo : helps to treat asthma problem.

K-Ayurveda AyuBes : helps to regulate blood sugar.

The Gamat Extract with Taurine contains a combination of natural minerals and purified gama-peptide complex known as Gamalin and minerals, vitamins and protein, which serves to control cholesterol level, rejuvenates ageing muscles, bones nerves and skin while giving a revitalizing effect on the body's immune system. It may also be used to compliment healing cuts, wounds and inflammation, to increase blood circulation, enhance the body's resistance and other health promoting effects.

K-Link GAMAT EXTRACT with Honey

In Malaysia , the residents in the beautiful Langkawi island swear by the ‘air Gamat’ (water extract of Gamat prepared traditionally) as a remedy for cuts, burns, chestpain and anti-flammatory functions. It is commonly used by post-partum mothers or following circumcision and surgical operation. It is also used to treat impotence, constipation, frequent urination, gastric ulcer and fatigue.

Nutritionally, Gamat is an ideal tonic food! It contains a wide range of nutrients including 55% protein (the protein is water soluble, easily digested and absorbed by the body), 10-16% mucopolysaccharides (ingredients for building cartilage), chondrotin sulphate, glucosamine sulphate, collagen, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium and others. It is also cholesterol free!

Gamat Extract from K-LINK is the premium tonic drink made from the best quality Golden Sea Cucumber (Stichopus Variegatue). The golden sea cucumber is an elite sea cucumber (among the 1000 or more species found) that has the top nutritional and therapeutic properties.

The benefits of liquid Gamat :

To build and enhance immune functions.

Liquid Gamat contains cell growth factor or Gamapeptide (Gamalin) and mucopolysaccharides which will greatly boost the immune system that will in turn, cause the shrinkage or blockage of the blood vessels supplying blood to cancer cells hence suppress cancer cell replication. Liquid Gamat is also highly recommended to those undergoing chemotheraphy and radiotheraphy.

Good for respiratory problem : cough, asthma and breathlessness.
Reduce rheumatic or arthritic pain. The active ingredients in Gamat such as Gamapeptide, mucopolysaccharides, glucosamine sulphate, chondrotin sulphate and others are also high beneficial for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and also ankylosing spondylitis.
Promote fast wound healing for burns, cuts, following circumcision, surgical operations and post-partum.

Anti-inflammatory properties : reduce pain, swelling and redness.
Promote vasodilation (expand blood vessels) and restoration of elasticity to blood vessels, beneficial to cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and heart diseases.

Improve liver functions : fatty liver, liver cirrhosis and others.

Haemorrhoids and piles.

Itchiness, allergies and skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and others.

Anaemia, loss of appetite, fatigue, indigestion, gastritis, gastric ulcer, peptic ulcer, duodenum ulcer and mouth ulcer.

Infertility, impotence and low libido for both sexes.
In addition to the above benefits, Gamat can also be used in combination with :

  1. K-OsteoCal : helps to treat osteoarthritis and frozen shoulders.
  2. K-Ayurveda AyuDerme and K-Sauda VCO : helps to treat skin diseases and sped up would healing.
  3. K-Ayurveda AyuAsmo : helps to treat asthma problem.
  4. K-Ayurveda AyuBes : helps to regulate blood sugar.

The Gamat Extract with Honey is a proven natural health supplement that can help to enhance the body’s immunity system, assists in healing minor cuts and wounds, regulates blood circulation and enhances our general well being.

It can also be used as a tonic for both men and women. The Gamat Extract with Honey is one of the most outstanding natural health supplements today and is also used to complement healing cuts, minor wounds and other health promoting activities.

K-Link K-Liquid Chlorophyll

K-Liquid Chlorophyll
1 table spoon of chlorophyll = 1 Kg of green Vegetables

Just click the following link..

1.How Chlorophyll works in diabetics

2. Another Liquid chlorophyll diabetes testimony

3. Benefits of Liquid chlorophyll

4. Another benefits of K-Liquid Chlorophyll

The 3 main functions of K-Liquid Chlorophyll are :

1. Cleansing - refers to detoxification and eliminating impurities
    from our body.
2. Regulating - balances the hormones, acid and alkaline in our
3. Nourishing - provides nutrients for healthy blood to increase the
      oxygen level and red blood count.

What is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is life’s natural elixir contained in the green pigment of plants. In the process known as “photosynthesis”, chlorophyll in green plants traps and stores the energy of sunlight, together with carbon dioxide in the air, water and minerals from the soil to produce food. The energy is required to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose – the chief source of energy for living organisms.
Why choose Alfalfa?

Alfalfa is chosen because it contains 4 times the chlorophyll of other vegetables. Its roots grow deep into the soil to absorb minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and etc.

One table spoon of K-Liquid Chlorophyll is equivalent to 1 kg of vegetable consumption. It is a natural source of nutrient that is vital in stimulating good health.

Fights Free Radicals to Reduce Wrinkles & Aging

The chlorophyll in alfalfa contains antioxidants, which can help reduce free radicals in our body. Free radicals weaken our body, making us more susceptible to sickness. Mainly smoking and alcohol is main reason for free radical. Free radicals are an active oxidized substance, generated by our own body through metabolism (breakdown of food and oxygen), that will destroy protein, lipid and DNA. It will affect normal cells to change and cause various diseases in the human body. Free radicals are a major contributor to ageing.

Chlorophyll is rich in:

Zinc –Zinc combines with vitamin A to promote good health

Selenium –Protects and energizes body cells

Vitamin E –Anti-ageing, nourishes skin and keeps the brain active

Vitamin C –Increases alertness and possesses anti-cancer properties

Vitamin A –Strengthens the heart’s function and improves vision.

Other nutrients include protein, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and minerals such as calcium, cobalt, chromium, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, manganese, magnesium and iron.

Promotes Cell Regeneration and Boosts the Immune System

Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher have in 1915 and 1930 respectively received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Chemistry for discovering the molecular structure of human red blood cells and chlorophyll. Due to this, chlorophyll is shown to promote cell regeneration and reproduction as well as assist in building up the immune system.

Blood Production Property

Nobel Prize recipients, Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher further discovered that the only difference between red blood cells and chlorophyll is that chlorophyll has a magnesium atom in its nucleus while red blood cells have iron. Thus, chlorophyll can help in cases of anemia and other blood deficiency conditions.

Cleanses Body of Pesticides and Drug Residue Toxins

Nutritionist Prof. Bernard Jensen pointed out that chlorophyll is effective in reducing toxin caused by pesticides and drug residue by purging them from the body. He further observed that healthy people generally have higher blood counts compared to the sick. However, after high consumption of chlorophyll, the sick showed an increase in blood count and improved health.

Reduces the Body’s Problems

Scientist Offend Krantz found that chlorophyll is highly beneficial to patients with stomach ulcers. Chlorophyll complements the medication prescribed by doctors for stomach ulcers.

Improves Skin Problems, Beautifies Complexion

The New England Medical Journal reported that chlorophyll can help in controlling skin problems and internal infection. The American Journal of Surgery published findings by Temple University on the use of chlorophyll to treat surgical wounds and other similar conditions.

"The healing power of Chlorophyll" wrote some of its efficiencies as follows :

1. Inhibits bacterial growth
2. Improves Oral health
3. Improves heart function
4. Eliminate body odour
5. Alleviates ladies ailments
6. Balances Acid and Alkaline Level in body.
7. Increase Red Blood Cells.
8. Improves anemic condition.
9. Soothes sore throat
10. Reduces Asthmatic problems.
11. Relieves joints and backbone problems
12. Improves Urinary tract system
13. Enhances Blood circulation
14. Delays ageing process.
15. Abates digestive problems
16. Purifies blood
17. Provides Iron to organ
18. Detoxifies blood and acts as anti-cancer.
19. Improves Cell Function
20. Accelerates healing of wounds
21. Reduces inflammation.
22. Enhances Lung infection.
23. Abates the risks of Bronchitis
24. Improves functions of Thyroid Glands
25. Enhances Metabolism
26. Strengthens Immune system
27. Stabilize body temperature
28. Relieves Insomnia problem
29. Alleviates pain.
30. Improves Liver function.
31. Improves Kidney function
32. Improves Urinary tract functions.

Other Usage Benefits:

a) It can be applied on the cuts and scratches as a first aid lotion.
b) It can be used as after shave lotion.
c) It can be used as Mouth Wash.
d) It can be used on the scalp for better hair growth, and preventing
e) It can be kept inside the fridge
f) It can be given to pets for better health. 
Dosage :

1 Table spoon of Chlorophyll mixed in 250 ML of Water. Can be consumed any time, Can also be externally applied for cuts and wounds. Any time Natural Health Drink, has no Side Effects.


1 bottle = 500 ml Extract Chlorophyll.